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Here are our current Life Groups with open capacity. Send a request to join a group that meets your needs. Visit our main Life Groups page for additional information.

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NameDescriptionScheduleGroup TypeChildcare StrategyRegister
College & Young Career | Steinwedell & Adams GroupThis group, led by Joe & Sarah Steinwedell and Joe & Heather Adams, is for individuals aged 18-28 who are a part of The Mill - our college & young career ministry. We seek to help 18-25 year olds find their role in the Great Commission. The group meets in a home near downtown Madison.Monday at 7:00 PMCollege & Young Career 
Mixed | Barnes & Phillips GroupThis group, led by Josh & Carrie Phillips and Jim & Marla Barnes, is for men and women. The group will meet in the Deep Springs neighborhood of Stoneville. Group leaders have elementary-aged kids, so the group will be working together to determine a plan for childcare.Tuesday at 6:30 PMMixed Gender
Mixed | Boyts GroupThis group, led by Chris & Selena Boyts, is for men and women. This group will meet in a home near the Madison/Mayodan Rec Department. The group leaders have a middle-school daughter, though no specific childcare plans are being made.Monday at 7:00 PMMixed Gender 
Mixed | Newman & Boggs GroupThis group will be led by Heidi & Jim Newman and Bruce Boggs. While the group will be looking for members willing to co-host, some part of the meetings will be hosted at a home on the northern side of Stokesdale off of Ellisboro Rd.Tuesday at 6:30 PMMixed Gender 
Mixed | Salvadore GroupThis group, led by Kyle & Jess Salvadore, is for men and women and will meet in the vicinity of Hemlock Golf Course in Walnut Cove. The group's leaders have a toddler son, so the group will work together to find some childcare for little ones.Tuesday at 6:00 PMMixed Gender
Women | Jordan & Pruitt GroupThis group, led by René Jordan and Veronda Pruitt, is for women of all ages and will meet in a home in the Jacob's Creek area of Madison.Tuesday at 6:30 PMWomen